I have decided to rename Ganesha 1.0 to Ganesha 0.1. It is a fully functioning RDF editor but it is still a bit rough at the edges so I'll save version 1.0 for a more polished release. Sorry if this causes any confusion.
In order to use Ganesha you just need to download the binary package below, download any missing required programs and follow the installation steps further down this page.
Since Ganesha is open-source software distributed under the GNU General Public License you can also download the sourcecode and modify it to your heart's content!
Ganesha is written in Java and requires Java version 1.4 or greater to be installed on your system in order to run. Ganesha also depends on Jena 2.0 so you will need to get that too. You can download their respective latest versions here:
Because Ganesha is written in Java it will run on any computer that supports Java. Therefore it doesn't matter whether you are using Windows, Mac OS X, Linux or anything else!
If you are using Mac OS X or some Linux distros you should already have an up-to-date version of Java on your system. Please check before downloading another one.
Once you have Java and Jena installed on your system you can install Ganesha using these steps:
Unpack the Ganesha binary package:
tar jxf ganesha-0.1.tar.bz2
This should have created a directory called "ganesha" within your working directory.
Add the "lib" directory contained in the newly created "ganesha" directory to your java classpath environment variable
export CLASSPATH="${CLASSPATH}:your-working-dir/ganesha/lib/"
And you're done! You should now be able to run Ganesha by typing:
java com.twiddles.ganesha.Ganesha
In time I hope to package Ganesha more elegantly as a JAR file which will simplify its installation. Eventually I also hope to release self installing packages for the various major operating systems. Until then I'm afraid you'll have to put up with the steps above - sorry!
If you have tried Ganesha please feel free to send me any feedback, bugs or patches. Once I move to something like sourceforge I hope to streamline the feedback process a bit. Thanks!